Food Rescue – The Foodbank NT Warehouse (located at 9 Mel Road Berrimah), is a hive of activity Monday to Friday with Mondays and Thursdays being particularly busy with their “food rescue” program.
Food Rescue – The Foodbank NT Warehouse (located at 9 Mel Road Berrimah), is a hive of activity Monday to Friday with Mondays and Thursdays being particularly busy with their “food rescue” program. Starting bright and early, they’re supplied with fresh milk & bread before
volunteers in vans make their way across Darwin, Palmerston and into the rural area “rescuing” food. This food comes from supermarkets and other businesses who donate a variety of food that is either on it’s way out or not ‘perfect’ enough to be sold to the general public. Donations of various essential products (like toilet paper and sanitary items) are also collected before returning to the warehouse where all of these goods are sorted and prepared for distribution to over 100 local charities and not for profit groups including the Food for Life Mobile Pantry and NT Schools Program.
The Baptist Care NT, Food for Life Mobile Pantry Bus is a tremendous concept bringing food and other essential products directly to those who need it most. This outreach program is essentially a food pantry on wheels,
In addition, the Food for Life Program operates two shops in both Darwin and Casuarina Baptist Churches. As important as the food is for our community, so too is the fellowship provided at these locations with tea and coffee, scones and cakes available to their clients.
Foodbank NT relies on the support and good will of the Northern Territory Business Community to bolster capacity to deliver their service. From partnering with Foodbank NT for fundraising events and promotions or donating money like we are throughout March, or providing goods and services, Foodbank NT’s relationships with the local business community continues to grow and has led the way for their current partnerships that are evident on social media and planned events scheduled for the coming year. With over 100 corporate supporters, Foodbank NT can also rely on a steady stream of paid corporate employees as volunteers who are available during work hours and on weekends. This opens up even greater opportunity for Foodbank NT to engage with the local community at events and festival throughout the year.
The Foodbank NT Schools program takes a multi-facet approach to a variety of needs faced by Territory Schools. By providing a unique service to local, regional and remote schools, Foodbank NT can cater to the specific needs of remote schools who are challenged by distance and isolation.
Foodbank NT now provide fresh food for schools to provide
This program also offers class excursions to the Foodbank Warehouse for education sessions on the importance of food re-use and how to